*International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Governance 2008,

*Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal, MP, India*

*November 23-25, 2008*

*http://www.rgtu.net/icpcg08 *

*icpcg08@rgtu.net *

The tremendous advances in wireless communication and mobile computing
technologies have created a new computing and communication environment that
provides services anytime and anywhere for everyone. Such an environment
enables users to access a wide range of services and applications using a
large variety of mobile and ubiquitous devices

The goal of conference is to create a system that is pervasively and
unobtrusively embedded in the environment, completely connected, intuitive,
effortlessly portable, and constantly available. Among the emerging
technologies expected to prevail in the pervasive computing environment of
the future are wearable computers, smart homes and smart buildings.

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) – the state technological
university of Madhya Pradesh is organizing " International Conference on
Pervasive Computing and Governance 2008. The Conference has been planned to
be organized during November 23-25, 2008 at Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki
Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal. We expect 300 Delegates representing all the
Science & Technology institutions, R&D organizations, Universities and
Industry of the country and abroad. The programme is planned for 3 Plenary
sessions, 24 Technical Sessions and 5 Parallel lectures during the 3 days.
The conference will also organize a grand exhibition from November 23-25
showcasing state of the art technologies in the are of pervasive computing

The aim of this conference is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum for
discussion and technical presentations on the current researches and future
research directions related to these hot research areas.

We solicit high quality technical papers that describe original and
unpublished research on mobile and pervasive computing. The papers should
not be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The papers should
describe significant and transferable results that advance the state of the
art in pervasive computing. Conference themes include:

New technologies and devices for pervasive computing

New applications of pervasive computing technologies

New interfaces and modes of interactions between people

Pervasive computing devices, applications or environments

New models, tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for
designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing applications

Evaluations and evaluation methods, for assessing the impact of pervasive
computing devices, applications or environments

Privacy, security, trust & social issues and implications of pervasive

Self-configuring and self-structuring systems

Adaptive control in communication networks

Adaptive networked control systems

Rule-based adaptive systems

Pervasive e-services, including e-governance, e-learning and e-commerce

Data mining for mobile applications

Data management for pervasive computing

Data aggregation in sensor networks

Data placement, caching, replication and relocation to support mobility

User interfaces and interaction models for mobile applications

Mobile and ubiquitous applications

Sensor network applications

Important Dates :*

Submission Deadline: July 20, 2008

Author Notification: August 15, 2008

Author Registration: September 5, 2008

Final Manuscript Due: September 20, 2008

Program Committee :*

1. Prof. Sajal Das, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA

2. Prof. Hsiao-Hwa Chen

3. Prof R C Jain, SATI, Vidisha, MP, India

4. Prof. J L Rana, MANIT, Bhopal, India

5. Prof. Asok De, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Tech., New Delhi

6. Prof. Kouichi SAKURAI, Kyushu University, Japan

7. Prof. Manikanden Balakrishnan, University of Houston, USA

8. Prof. Benhaddou Driss, University of Houston, USA

9. Dr Lalit Awasthi, NIT, Hmairpur, India

10. Prof. Bin Hu, Birmingham City University, UK

11. Prof. Geng-Sheng Kuo, Japan

12. Prof. Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria

13. Prof. Jemal Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia

14. Prof. Deniz Gurkan, University of Houston, USA

15. Prof. Laurence T. Yang, Canada

16. Prof. Bharat Jayaraman, University at Buffalo, The State University
ofNew York

17. Prof. Mounir Hamdi, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

18. Prof. Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chaina

19. Dr. Reza Dilmaghani, King's College London, UK

20. Dr Sarabjot Singh Anand, University of Warwick, UK

21. Dr. Arndt Bode, Institut für Informatik, Germany

22. Prof Dheeren Patel, NIT Surat, India

To contact us:

School of Information Technology,

Rajiv Gandhi Technological University,

Airport Bypass Road, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, MP, India 462 036

Phone: +91 755 2678833

Fax: +91 755 2678844

E-mail: icpcg08@rgtu.net

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