APTC 2008

The 3rd Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure
Technologies Conference (APTC 2008)
October 14-17, 2008
On a cruiser on Yangtze River near Three Gorges Dam, China

In the past few years we have been witnessing a strong interest in and
devotement to academic research and industry
activities on Trusted Infrastructure Technologies in the Asia and
Pacific region. Two workshops on these topics
have been held, one workshop, WATC'06, was held in Tokyo, Japan in November 2006
(www.trl.ibm.com/project/watc). Another workshop, a summer school on
these topics was launched in August 2007 in Zhuhai China
(www.aptiss.org). The Advisory Board and Industry Sponsors of these
events wish to continue fostering and supporting
Trusted Infrastructure research activities in this region and announce
the coming conference: the 3rd Asia-Pacific Trusted
Infrastructure Technologies Conference, to be held on a cruise on the
Yangtze River near Three Gorges Dam in China in
October 2008. Original papers are solicited for submission to APTC 2008.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Trusted Computing
Middleware Security
Trust & Security for Grid & Cloud Computing
Secure Virtualization
Virtual Machine Security
Trusted Virtual Domains
Operating Systems Security
Tamper resistant Software
Software Integrity Technologies
Enterprise Rights Management
Security Functionalities in Hardware
Policy Enforcement & Management

Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published
nor submitted in parallel for publication to
any other conference, workshop or journal. A submission should be
limited to 15 pages of 11pt type excluding
bibliography and appendices, and maximum 20 pages. Authors should
submit papers via electronic submission using
the web tool in the ATPC'08 website (detailed instructions to be
available soon). The proceedings will be published
by IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available at the conference.


Submission deadline: June 15, 2008, 00:00 Beijing Time
Notification: July 20, 2008
Proceedings version: August 10, 2008
Conference: October 14-17, 2008

General Chair

Hai Jin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Program Co-Chairs

Wenbo Mao (EMC Research China, China)
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (University Bochum, Germany)

Publication Chair

Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (University Bochum, Germany)

Publicity Co-Chairs

Deqing Zou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Guojun Wang (Central South University, China)
Wenbin Jiang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Program Committee

Tuomas Aura (Microsoft Research, UK)
Adam Barth (Stanford University, USA)
Colin Boyd (QUT, Australia)
Robert Deng (Management University, Singapore)
Leendert van Doorn (AMD, USA)
Tal Garfinkel (VMWare, USA)
David Grawrock (Intel, USA)
Michiharu Kudoh (IBM Research Tokyo, Japan)
Dirk Kuhlmann (HP Labs Bristol, UK)
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)
George Lotridge (RSA Labs, USA)
Andrew Martin (Oxford University, UK)
Chris Mitchell (Royal Holloway, UK)
David Naccache (ENS, France)
Raphael Phan (Loughborough University, UK)
Graeme Proudler (HP Labs Bristol, UK)
Sihan Qing (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Reiner Sailer (IBM Research, USA)
Matthias Schunter (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
Jean-Pierre Seifert (Samsung, USA)
Ari Singer (NTRU, USA)
Pim Tulys (Phillips, Netherlands)
Vijay Varadharajan (Macquarie University, Australia)
Shouhuai Xu (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Moti Yung (Google & Columbia University, USA)
Binyu Zang (Fudan University, China)
Huanguo Zhang (Wuhan University, China)
Rui Zhang (AIST, Japan)
Jianying Zhou (I2R, Singapore)

Advisory Board

Richard Brown (HP Labs Bristol, UK)
David Grawrock (Intel, USA)
Hideki Imai (AIST, Japan)
Yi Liu (Jetway, China)
George Lotridge (RSA Labs, USA)
Wenbo Mao (EMC Research China, China)
Seiji Munetoh (IBM Research Tokyo, Japan)
David Naccache (ENS, France)
Ahmad-Reza (Sadeghi University Bochum, Germany)
Charley Wei (Sinosun, China)
Warren Wu (VMWare, USA)

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