3rd International Workshop on Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems
Co-located with Globecom 2008, New Orleans, USA
30 November, 2008
The DANMS workshop series focuses on distributed and autonomous
principles for network management and applications of those principles
in network design. This year's workshop emphasizes Service Centric
Network Management considering the impact on the system, across the
whole information flow from service creation to deployment in the
This workshop is looking for full papers describing original,
previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical
experiences with existing systems and industrial developments in the
field of autonomous network management. Papers with a deep focus on a
specific discipline or stimulated by the synergistic interaction of
diverse disciplines are encouraged.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of interest:
Architecture and Systems Topics relating to Autonomic Networks
* Cross-layer system architecture design
* Middleware and O&M techniques for network management
* Resource modeling approaches for network management
* Peer-to-peer techniques for autonomic network management
* Scalability issues in network management
* Security aspects in network management
Autonomic Techniques
* Adaptive & context-based self-management in networks
* Policy (refinement techniques, policy models)
* Knowledge based techniques to support autonomics
* Data management for real-time dynamic service provisioning
* Real-time MIB engineering to provide cross-layer provisioning
Aspects of Service Management
* Use of semantics to enable service deployment and composition
* Automated service composition and orchestration
* Automated service provisioning across multiple service providers
Case Studies in Existing & Emerging Networks
* Lessons, shortcomings and real world experiences with existing
network management systems, protocols and architectures.
* Experiences with service deployment in challenged networks (ad-hoc,
pervasive, sensor etc.) and the implications on the network management
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 15 July, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: 15 September, 2008
Camera Ready Deadline: TBA
Workshop Date: 30 November, 2008
Workshop Chairs:
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo Canada
Rolf Stadler, KTH Sweden
TPC Chairs:
Brian Lee, Ericsson Ireland Research
Gerard Parr, University of Ulster, UK
Organizing Team:
Sidath Handurukande, Ericsson Ireland Research
Yangcheng Huang, Ericsson Ireland Research
Technical Program Committee:
Nazim Agoulmine, Uni. of Evry Val d'Essonne, France
Pablo Arozarena, Telefónica I+D, Spain
Javier Baliosian, Uni. of the Republic, Uruguay
Arosha K Bandara, Open University, UK
Saleem Bhatti, Uni. of St Andrews, UK
Anne-Marie Bosneag, Ericsson Ireland Research
Monica Brockmeyer, Wayne State University, USA
Monique Calisti, Whitestein Technologies, Switzerland
Yu Cheng, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Zoran Despotovic, NTT DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Germany
Yixin Diao, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Petre Dini, Cisco Systems, USA
Simon Dobson, UCD, Ireland
Susanne Engberg, Ericsson Research, Sweden
Patrick Eugster, Purdue Uni., USA
Alex Galis, University College London, UK
Francisco J. Garcia, Agilent Labs, UK
Sidath Handurukande, Ericsson Ireland Research
Masum Z. Hasan, Cisco Systems, USA
James Hong, POSTECH Korea
Yangcheng Huang, Ericsson Ireland Research
Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer FOKUS Germany
Richard Mortier, Vipadia, UK
Marcelo Perazolo, IBM, USA
Aiko Pras, University of Twente, Netherlands
Luis Rodrigues, INESC-ID/IST, Portugal
Francoise Sailhan, LIFC Uni. of Franche Comté, France
Richard Schlichting, AT&T Labs, USA
Maarten van Steen, Vrije Uni., Netherlands
Filip de Turck, Ghent University, Belgium
Carlos Westphall, Federal Uni. of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Martin Zach, Siemens AG Austria
Xiaoyun Zhu, Hetlett Packard Labs, USA
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